The Chairman of SCWE will visit the regional facilities to get acquainted with the problems in places
“Visits to the communal facilities will be systematic. Thus, we can have a clear idea on the works of the facilities of SCWE and WUAs”,- the Chairman of the State Committee of Water Economy mentioned during his visit to Ararat Region.
The newly appointed Chairman envisages to attend the facilities located in Yerevan and Regions, as well as to get acquainted with current work and emerging problems in places.
“I think such visits will not only be another signal of alertness for our facilities but also useful for the SCWE. Thus, we can “make an inventory” of the problems hindering the regular work of our facilities, aditionally, we will be able to see the conditions in which our colleagues work. I mean the logistics base, as well. I am sure that such visits will help to identify the problems and to develop effective solutions as soon as possible”,- Mr. Arsen Harutyunyan noted.
The first visit was in Mkhchyan pump station. This pump station with its 9 pumps provides sustainable water supply for Artashat main canal.
Afterwards, Mr. Harutyunyan visited the Artashat WUA. The interim data on irrigation season were summarized during the meeting with the employees. According to the WUA’s director Arthur Ghazaryan, there have not been any complains on irrigation water this year, but there have been problems related to the equipment, as the use of the equipment inherited from the Soviet Union will be ineffective, as well as will require more energy consumption.
Mr. Arsen Harutyunyan expressed his willingness to listen and to discuss all the difficulties, which can arise in the irrigation system, and assured that a number of indicated problems will be solved in a short period of time.
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